Frequently Asked Questions
Norwich Netball League have put together a list of frequently asked questions that we regularly get asked by existing and new teams.
This page is continually being updated with questions the committee receive on a regular basis.
This page is NOT a replacement for the league rules that are laid out in the NNL Handbookbut a tool for teams and players to use to help answer some of the most frequently asked questions we receive.
If you can not find the answer to your question here please refer to the NNL Handbook and if you still can not find the answer please contact us on or via the contact forms at the bottom of this page.
Q. What are the league guidelines for cancelling games due to the weather?
Norwich Netball League use the BBC weather App when assessing if the weather on match nights is suitable for matches to go ahead.
If the weather shows as BELOW 3 Degrees or there are amber weather warnings in place on BBC Weather then the matches will be cancelled. The NNL Weather Committee will post on the NNL Facebook page notifying of the Cancellations by 5pm on the day of the match. Where possible we will notify teams as soon as a decision is made.

Q. What happens if there is bad weather, but it does not meet the league criteria to cancel games, and teams do not wish to play?
Teams and umpires can make their own decision to cancel a game if they feel the conditions are unplayable. In all cases a scorecard must be submitted to our results secretary and the league informed of the reason for cancellation.
- Teams can mutually agree to cancel games before attending court. You must inform the teams who are allocated your umpiring/scoring fixtures aware.
- Umpires cannot cancel a game ahead of attending court and checking conditions. If umpires attend court and deem the conditions unplayable, they may mutually agree to cancel the game.
- Umpires may mutually agree to cancel the game during play if they believe the conditions are no longer playable.
Playing in the Norwich Netball League
Q. Can under 18s play in the NNL?
The NNL is an adult women’s league. All teams with players under the age of 18 years must have a Safeguarding/Welfare Officer. Clubs should take particular care to ensure that their young players are suitable and competent enough to participate in an adult league. At league fixtures, if an U18 player is playing the club must have a non-playing Safeguarding Officer or nominated adult present. This can be a different adult each quarter. All members of EN are expected to act in accordance with the EN ‘Safeguarding and Protecting Young People in Netball Policy’ document. Any concerns or complaints against or involving Young People and Adults at Risk must be referred to EN’s Lead Safeguarding Officer. Please see the EN website for further information and guidance.
Q. Do you have to be affiliated to England Netball to play/participate in the NNL?
All players, team management and umpires MUST be affiliated with their club to EN through Norfolk. All players must be linked to NNL via their affiliation on ENGage.
If you are having any difficulties in registering your club please contact Norfolk County Netball Development Officer.
Q. We have a new player on our Team – what do we need to do?
ALL players must be affiliated to England Netball. If you are playing in the Winter or Summer Competitive Leagues the player must also be registered to your Team by completing the NNL Mid Season Registration Form
Q. Is there a fee to join the NNL?
Each team shall pay an annual league fee of £30 to cover administrative costs. This fee is payable before the AGM.
This fee is in addition to your seasonal league fees – these are changeable depending on the league(s) your team enters.
Q. How many players are needed for a game to go ahead?
You must have at least 5 players for your game to go ahead, the Centre position must be filled.
Q. Do we have to provide a scorer for our umpiring allocations?
All teams are to provide a scorer for all of their umpiring allocations. If you are unsure on how to score a netball game, why not check out this video
Q. Can I play for more than one CVL/Open team?
Any EN affiliated player can play for as many CVL and Winter Open league teams as they wish. You are not required to submit a player registration form for these leagues. Players must be affiliated through Norfolk and the NNL.
Q. Do I have to submit a player registration sheet?
For the Summer and Winter CVL Leagues & Open Academy Winter League:
– Teams do not need to submit a Team Registration sheet at the beginning of the season, but all players must be affiliated with EN through Norfolk.
For the competitive Summer League & the UEA Sportspark Winter Leagues:
– Players must be registered with the NNL Results Secretary before their first League game. This can be done either on the Team Registration Sheet submitted at the start of the season, or by sending in a Mid-Season Registration form to: The Mid-Season Registration form can be found on the website.
– Players registered within the last 4 weeks of the season will be accepted at the Committee’s discretion.
– Any player who is actively playing in, or has played in, the current season of the East Region League and above, may only play in Divisions 1,2 & 3 in the indoor UEA Sportspark Winter League.
– For any summer CVL player wishing to play in the competitive Summer League and any Winter CVL or Open Academy player wishing to play in the competitive indoor UEA Sportspark League, the receiving team must submit a Mid-Season Player Registration form and submit this to the league prior to the game. If you are unsure if a player has already registered or not with a competitive team, please contact the league on
– Any player may register with a different team at any point throughout the season providing that she has not played for her original team. Both teams must agree for the player to move teams. A Mid-Season transfer form must be completed and sent to
Q. Can competitive teams (div1-6) borrow players from other divisions?
For the competitive Summer League & the UEA Sportspark Winter Leagues:
A team may name a player from any team from any division below their own to play up. (This rule does not apply to Summer CVL, Winter Open or Winter CVL players – see ‘5.i.a’ of the NNL Handbook).
– Any player ‘playing up’ must be ticked on the results card and should be identified to the umpires before the start of the game.
– A player may only be allowed to ‘play up’ twice per season, once either side of the midseason date as publicised on the ‘Schedule of Dates’. Any player who is ‘playing up’ but who does not take to the court may be crossed through on the results card at the end of the game to denote they have not played in the game. They will be deemed to have not ‘played-up’.
– It is the responsibility of the borrowing team to ensure that the player has not previously ‘played up’ twice.
– Teams may ‘play-up’ a maximum of 2 players in any one game.
– Players may play up in a re-arranged fixture, providing they adhere to all other playing up criteria and they were registered within the last 4 weeks of the regular season if the re-arranged fixture is played after the end of the regular season. If a player plays up in a re-arranged fixture this will count as one of their two opportunities to play up. A player can play-up in a re-arranged match at any time providing they have not played up in that half of the season and they were registered with the league when the original match was due to take place.
Q. Can I play for more than one competitive(division 1 -6) team?
No, you can only be registered to one competitive team and therefore you can also only play for one team.
– Players must be registered with the NNL Results Secretary before their first League game. This can be done either on the Team Registration Sheet submitted at the start of the season, or by sending in a NNL Mid Season Registration Form to:
– Players registered within the last 4 weeks of the season will be accepted at the Committee’s discretion.
– Any player who is actively playing in, or has played in, the current season of the East Region League and above, may only play in Divisions 1,2 & 3 in the indoor UEA Sportspark Winter League.
– For any summer CVL player wishing to play in the competitive Summer League and any Winter CVL or Open Academy player wishing to play in the competitive indoor UEA Sportspark League, the receiving team must submit a Mid-Season Player Registration form and submit this to the league prior to the game. If you are unsure if a player has already registered or not with a competitive team, please contact the league on
– Any player may register with a different team at any point throughout the season providing that she has not played for her original team. Both teams must agree for the player to move teams. A Mid-Season transfer form must be completed and sent to
Q. Do I have to submit a player registration sheet?
– CVL / Open Winter league teams do not need to submit a Team Registration sheet at the beginning of the season, but all players must be affiliated with EN through Norfolk.
For the competitive Summer League & the UEA Sportspark Winter Leagues:
– Players must be registered with the NNL Results Secretary before their first League game. This can be done either on the Team Registration Sheet submitted at the start of the season, or by sending in a Mid-Season Registration form to: The Mid-Season Registration form can be found on the website.
– Players registered within the last 4 weeks of the season will be accepted at the Committee’s discretion.
– Any player who is actively playing in, or has played in, the current season of the East Region League and above, may only play in Divisions 1,2 & 3 in the indoor UEA Sportspark Winter League.
– For any summer CVL player wishing to play in the competitive Summer League and any Winter CVL or Open Academy player wishing to play in the competitive indoor UEA Sportspark League, the receiving team must submit a Mid-Season Player Registration form and submit this to the league prior to the game. If you are unsure if a player has already registered or not with a competitive team, please contact the league on
– Any player may register with a different team at any point throughout the season providing that she has not played for her original team. Both teams must agree for the player to move teams. A Mid-Season transfer form must be completed and sent to
Section 5 of NNL Handbook 2023 – Page 3
Q. I have played for my current team, but wish to move to a new team for the remainder of the competitive season. Is this allowed?
A player wishing to transfer at the half way point of the season must submit a NNL 2022 Mid season Transfer Request Form, to: before the transfer deadline date, (which shall be communicated to the teams at the beginning of the season and included on the ‘Schedule of Dates’. Available on the website) and this shall be at the Committee’s discretion.
England Netball Affiliation
Q. When do I have to affiliate to England Netball?
England netball’s affiliation runs annually from 1st Sept to 31st August. Membership renewal for existing members opens in late August.
TOP TIP: If you are the Club Secretary, you can: Select People from the top left menu > Everyone > go into your individual Members > Buy Membership > go to Basket > Pay Later > Send Payment Request Email.
This will send your players an email from Engage requesting payment to reaffiliate, they follow the link and pay directly!
Q. How do I recover my ENgage account from a previous affiliation?
Use the England Netball Engage FAQ site here
Q. How do I link my affiliation to Norwich Netball League?
Log into your ENgage account and follow our step by step guide to affiliating to the NNL
Q. I would like to start umpiring, what do I do?
Check out our Officiating/ umpiring page. If you have any further questions please contact the NNL Umpire Umpire Secreatry
Q. Can anyone who has attended an England Netball Officiating course umpire in the NNL?
All umpires who wish to umpire within the NNL must be on the current umpire list. To be added to this list, please contact the NNL Umpire Secretary
Q. Do we need to have a team umpire to play in the league?
For entry into all leagues except CVL, all teams must have at least one active, qualified umpire registered with them who is on the current NNL Umpires List.
Entry into the CVL leagues does not require teams to have an active, qualified umpire registered with their team. Each team will be allocated matches to umpire and therefore must provide an umpire from the current NNL Umpires List.
Q. Do umpires get paid in the NNL?
Competitive Summer League:
Teams shall pay the umpires before the game starts. Where umpires attend a fixture, whether that fixture is then played in full, in part or not at all, they shall be paid the usual fee of £15 each. If only one umpire attends, the game cannot go ahead but each team will pay the umpire £5 to cover their expenses.
All other Leagues:
No payment of umpires is required. However, if a team chooses to reimburse expenses to their own umpire who is umpiring that same night, they may do so. If you must find an alternative umpire from outside your team, you may wish to reimburse that umpire to an agreed amount. This is up to individual teams to arrange.5
Q. What happens if there is an injury during a game?
The EN Rule book dictates how player injuries should be managed during a game. The league asks that umpires and teams should apply common sense in dealing with these. If a player is badly injured and cannot safely be removed from the court within 2 minutes or 30 seconds, then more time may be required. If this is the case and the game is a CVL Summer league game or any of the winter league games which are played within a specific time slot, it will not be possible to extend the length of the game accordingly. The umpires will control the timing of the game and rules 7 & 9 come into effect.
Please note: In all our leagues except Summer Competitive time itself is not held when you “hold time” for an injury.
Q. Can you umpire your own club/team?
No umpire may officiate at a game in which their own team or team they are associated with (e.g. coaching or playing) are playing, unless the fixture is allocated by the Umpiring Co-ordinator.
Such circumstances are limited as much as possible but where this is unavoidable (due to the number of teams within a single club in the same division or the popularity of a particular playing night) the Committee expects teams to behave sensibly and responsibly when considering the availability of any of their umpires to fulfil that fixture. Such situations may call for that fixture to be swapped where possible.
No umpire should be related, by virtue of being a family member, to any player who is playing in the game in which they are umpiring.
League Procedures/Forms
Q. Can spectators take photographs/video of NNL games?
Anyone wishing to take photographs or video must have the permission of the players and umpires involved in the match by completing the NNL Photography and Video Consent Form supplied by the NNL. This must be emailed to the league after the game or sent to the Results Secretary with the results card. Failure to do so may result in a fine. You may also be asked to delete footage.
Anyone wishing to take photographs or video at the UEA Sportspark is also required to sign a register at the UEA Sportspark reception on each occasion.
Photos or game videos can be shared on social media sites if permission has been given and if no U18 players or officials were involved. For guidance on photography and filming U18 players or officials, please refer to EN’s ‘Taking & Use of Photographic and Recorded Images of Young People Guidance’ booklet.
Q. When do I need to submit a scorecard?
Please print all names including umpires and scorers, clearly, in full and in capital letters. BOTH teams are responsible for submitting a digital scorecard. This must be fully and correctly completed and received by the Results Secretary within 24 hours of the game. The link for all scorecards is shared at the start of the season It is the umpire’s responsibility to ensure the correct score is recorded on the scorepads which can then be photographed by the team captains.
If a game is cancelled or conceded at any time, each team should send in a results card with a short explanation of what has happened to the Results Secretary on
If a game is cancelled by the NNL for any reason, you are not required to submit a scorecard.
Q. Who needs to attend the AGM?
All clubs currently participating in the NNL must have at least one adult, affiliated representative attend the League Annual General Meeting for the duration of the whole meeting. Failure to attend may result in your club not being entered into the League, a fine and/or points being deducted. This will be at the Committee’s discretion. Please see the NNL Constitution for further information.
Q. If we cancel/concede a game, what do we need to do?
It is the responsibility of the team that concedes the game to inform the opposing team, both allocated umpires and the Committee at at the earliest opportunity but by 5.00 pm at the latest.
Please do not rely solely on social media for this information to be relayed. Any team that refuses to take to the court either at the start or during the game in circumstances where the umpires consider that the game can continue (having due regard to the safety of players), that team will be judged to have conceded.
– If this is at the start of the game, then the team who are not refusing to take to the court will be awarded 25 goals and the conceding team 0.
– If this is during the game, then the team who are not refusing to take to the court shall win the game and shall keep their goals scored if higher than 25 (if lower than 25, the score will be 25-0). The team conceding shall lose the game with no points allocated and no goals scored.
– In both scenarios the conceding team shall lose 2 points.
If for any reason your team concedes a game, your umpiring commitment must still be met. It is also courteous for the conceding team to cover the court costs and any umpire costs incurred.
A scorecard must be submitted by both teams for any conceded game, with a brief explanation of the reason.
Q. If we cancel/concede a fixture, can we rearrange the match?
The fixtures shown on the fixture lists cannot be rearranged without the express agreement of the Committee. Any request to rearrange a fixture in advance must be submitted to the committee for approval.
The Committee must be notified, via email at of the non-playing of a league game by the home team. If this happens at the court side, a results card completed by each team should be sent to the Results Secretary at with a short explanation of what has happened.
NB. CVL Summer & Winter and Open Academy winter league games will not be rearranged if cancelled.
Competitive Summer League and UEA Sportspark Winter League games:
Games may be rearranged for the following reasons:
– Committee decides – e.g. extreme weather
– Umpires decide during the game (unsafe court, umpire injury or player injury (with less than three quarters of the game played).
– Non-attendance of an umpire
– In extenuating circumstances – the committee will judge each individual case.
Q. If a team breaks one of the rules, what will happen?
Fines will be levied under the following circumstances:
Infringement | Fine | Additional Sanction |
Late results card – First occasion Second Occasion Third and subsequent occasions | £5 £10 £15 | |
Incorrectly completed or illegible results card | £5 | |
Playing an unregistered player Second Occasion Third and subsequent occasions | £10 per player £20 per player £50 per player | The offending team forfeits the game |
Playing a player who is not affiliated with EN | £10 per player | Plus game conceded by the offending team |
Failure to pay a fine within 28 days of it being sent | £5 per 7 days unpaid | |
Non-attendance of your umpire: First occasion Second occasion Third and subsequent occasions | £15 £30 £50 | At the committee’s discretion: Plus loss of 2 points Plus loss of 5 points |
Incorrectly qualified umpire Second occasion Third occasion and subsequent occasions | £10 £20 £30 | |
Conceding a game | Loss of 2 points | |
Failure to notify the committee of the non-playing of a league game | £5 | |
Failure to provide a Photography Permission Form | £10 |
Incorrectly qualified umpire | £10 |
Any appeal against a fine or sanction must be sent to the league within 14 days of receipt. This will be adjudicated upon by the Committee or appointed Sub-Committee and a decision will be made. The decision of the Committee will be final and if it is judged that any fine will stand, payment must be made within 14 days otherwise the further charges referred to above will apply.
Subject to any appeal, payment of all fines must be received by the Committee within 28 days of receipt of the fine notification in accordance with the payment details set out in that fine, and confirmation of payment sent to the League Secretary at
How do I make a complaint?
All concerns or complaints relating to the EN Codes of Conduct should be made directly to EN using their Disciplinary Regulations. Please see the EN website for further information and guidance.
Any other dispute or complaint regarding a game and/or its result must be submitted by a club/team Secretary or umpire in writing to the Committee within three working days of the game concerned. The Committee will acknowledge receipt of complaints within 3 working days. The Committee may contact the teams and umpires concerned for their input. The complaint will be dealt with by a sub-committee to the full committee. The complainant and those concerned will be contacted within 10 working days of the meeting.
If any team, club or umpire wishes to appeal against the decision of the Committee, they must notify the League Secretary at within 14 days of receipt of the decision. The Committee will acknowledge receipt of appeals within 3 working days. In this event, the matter will be considered by an Appeals Panel. The decision of the Appeals Panel will be final and binding on all parties.
Team secretary checklist for the start of the season.
– Ensure all players are affiliated to England Netball through ENgage.
– Ensure all players have registered to the Norwich Netball League through ENgage.
– Ensure you have submitted your application to the league by the deadline date.
– Ensure you have completed the Team registration from (Competitive League ONLY)
– Ensure you have a registered umpire to your team who is listed on the latest umpiring list (Not applicable to CVL)
– Ensure you have paid the required league fees by the deadline date.
– Ensure you send an affiliated representative from your club to the NNL AGM.
– Turn on alerts for the Norwich Netball League Facebook page.
– Ensure you have covered all of your teams Umpiring/Scoring allocations